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How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles By Dermatologists In 2021

how to get rid of dark circles

On a good day, a passerby might probably overlook my dark under-eye circles. On a bad day, though, let’s just say a few individuals approached me to inquire if I was okay since my purple-swollen eyes misled them into thinking I was crying. how to get rid of dark circles? To be honest, my most troublesome skincare issue is my under-eye area—especially because under-eye bags are supposed to be inherited, so I have little control over them.

how to get rid of dark circles? That’s why I decided to consult with a few experts regarding the reasons for how to get rid of dark circles and if they might be eliminated with an over-the-counter hydroquinone eye lotion, which may brighten the typically dark and discolored skin beneath my eyes.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles By Dermatologists In 2021

When the skin beneath both eyes looks darker, this is referred to as “dark circles under the eyes. how to get rid of dark circles?” Many causes might contribute to this, but for the most part, it can be addressed with at-home remedies, medical procedures, or both. If you’ve been looking for an under-eye lightning cream, you’ve come to the perfect spot.

The thin layer of skin behind your eyes reveals the blood vessels more clearly than the skin on the rest of your face, resulting in dark circles. The skin surrounding your eyelids, known as “periorbital skin,” is just 0.5 millimeters thick on average, whereas the skin on the rest of your body is 2 millimeters thick. Dark circles can also be induced by a condition called “periorbital hyperpigmentation.” This is a disorder in which the skin under the eyes produces more melanin, making it look darker.

We enlisted the help of five renowned dermatologists.

They explain the probable reasons for dark circles, provide useful lifestyle changes and good behaviors that can reduce the unattractive look, and show us how to select the finest hydroquinone eye treatments. how to get rid of dark circles? The fact that there is no one cause of dark circles makes treating them extremely difficult.

How to get rid of dark circles? and What is Eyebags?

Minor swelling or puffiness under the eyes is referred to as “eye bags.” The tissues around our eyes, including some of the muscles that support our eyelids, can naturally decrease as we age. Normal fat that supports the eyes might migrate into the lower eyelids, making them swollen. Fluid can also build in the region below the eyes, causing eye bags.

Eyebags are caused by what?

Genetics can contribute to eye bags, but lifestyle factors also play a role. Here are a few examples of common causes:

High-salt foods

Excessive salt in our diets can cause the body to retain more fluid than usual, resulting in eye bags.

Sleep deprivation

It should go without saying that sleeping early, if possible, helps to reduce the appearance of tired-looking skin.

Allergic reactions

If you have allergies, your skin may retain more fluid than usual, which can accumulate in the region behind your eyes.

Use of tobacco

External aggressors such as cigarettes can cause the skin to appear and feel less fresh and healthy. What else can I do to help reduce the dark circles around my eyes and eye bags?


1. According to Dr. Day, lack of sleep, dehydration, excessive alcohol use, and a poor diet are all lifestyle factors that can contribute to the formation of dark circles, but genetics and age also play a role.

“Under-eye hollowing is a broad category that covers anything from genetics, where the form of the eyes and the structures around them generate a natural hollow, to redness, which may also give a shadow-like look,” Day explains.

2. According to Dr. Evan Rieder, a board-certified dermatologist, assistant professor of dermatology at New York University Langone, and member of the American Academy of Dermatology, physiology plays a bigger part in the development of dark circles than we know.

“Some people are born with deeper circles beneath their eyes. They may appear more severe in persons with lighter skin tones, but those of South Asian or African descent may also detect a sharp cut-off around their eyes,” he explains. Aging is also a major source of dark, under-eye circles.

3. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the tissue surrounding the eyes diminishes with age. This collagen degradation can induce fat to migrate to the lower eyelids, resulting in dark shadows and puffiness.

4. According to Dr. Heidi Waldorf, a board-certified dermatologist, and owner of Waldorf Dermatology Aesthetics, the most prevalent cause of dark circles is hollowing in the under-eye region caused by the loss of deep fat. “That’s why patients claim that they’ve tried every cream and none of them have helped,” adds Dr. Waldorf.

Eye Anatomy 101

It is critical to first comprehend the anatomy of the eye “Dr. Melissa K. Levin, clinical instructor at NYU Langone Medical Center and Mount Sinai Hospital, agrees. “The skin of the upper eyelids is one of the thinnest on the body. So, in essence, you have extremely thin sensitive skin sitting on top of a hollow structure surrounding the eyes that contains bone, blood arteries, fat pads, and muscles.” According to Dr. Levin, thin skin “Because we use so many cosmetics on a regular basis, it dries and irritates quickly, especially in women.

Dark Circle Basics

doctors agree that dark under-eye circles are complicated, with several underlying causes and factors at work. “Some individuals are born with under-eye circles, therefore they are genetic,” explains Dendy Engelman, MD, a board-certified dermatologic surgeon at Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery. “They have thinner, paler skin, more pigment beneath their eyes, and/or slower vascular activity.”

“There may be a hereditary component, but there may also be environmental and lifestyle reasons,” says Cindy Yoon Soo Bae, MD, a dermatologist at the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York. Shafer Plastic Surgery in New York City’s David Shafer, MD, FACS, concurs. “Dark under-eye circles are complex,” he explains. If you have dark circles, various variables, including genetics, maybe at fault.

“Dark blood vessels that are visible through the skin might occur.” Then there’s the skin, which might be thicker and more opaque, or thinner and more transparent. Finally, there’s the skin’s surface, which might be dark due to enhanced pigmentation.

Many of these elements might be genetic, developmental, or environmental in nature. In most situations, however, it is a mix of all of the above. “Before choosing the best dark circle therapy for you, you should see a dermatologist based on your unique set of circumstances.

Changes in Lifestyle to Reduce Dark Circles

How to get rid of dark circles? Let’s start with some lifestyle adjustments you may make to help reduce the look of dark circles before we get into treatment alternatives and at-home cures.

Sunglasses should be used to protect your eyes from the sun

“First and foremost is protection with sunscreen and sun protection with eyewear to protect from UV damage that promotes skin aging and additional pigmentation,” Dr. Levin explains. Dermatologists advise using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 50 on your face.

Keep Your Hands Off

Dr. Francesca Fusco, MD, a dermatologist at Mount Sinai, advises against touching your eyes. “People with eczema or allergies tend to touch their eyes a lot, which can lead to a type of dark skin called hyperpigmentation,” she says. Dr. Bae also recommends being gentle while cleaning your eyes or removing makeup. Keeping the skin surrounding the eyes hydrated reduces dryness and irritation, which causes you to rub your eyes.

Sinus Congestion Can Be Reduced

Chronic sinus congestion can cause dark-colored blood to fill under-eye veins. These veins can be seen through the skin or cause a darkening of the skin around the eyes. Dr. Engelman recommends “daily sinus irrigation using a neti pot or comparable device to clear the sinuses and enhance the look of the under-eye area.”

If that seems too time-consuming, she also suggests “do-it-yourself lymphatic drainage massages to minimize puffiness.” Gua has and faces rollers come into play. They’re also soothing and make a lovely addition to a vanity or nightstand.

Allergic Reactions

Dr. Shafer points out that “allergies and sinus congestion can exacerbate the appearance of dark under-eye circles.” Controlling your symptoms and irritants can aid in weight loss “the consequences for your eyes. You can try over-the-counter sinus treatments, or chat with your doctor about acquiring antihistamines like Zyrtec and Claritin.

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