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Top 25 Ways To Increase Productivity Complete Guide

Increase productivity

This post will explain Increase productivity. Ultimate productivity is what we all strive for, but how do we increase productivity so that we can accomplish more in less time?

When you adopt the following actions to work smarter, faster, and better, your productivity will rise:

Top 25 Ways To Increase Productivity Complete Guide

In this article, you can know about Increase productivity here are the details below;

Get enough rest.

Sleep enhances your intellect and concentration, which leads to higher productivity and, eventually, better performance.

Your problem-solving skills and memory increase when you get at least 7–8 hours of sleep each night, allowing you to do more tasks in less time.

Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, can have a variety of negative impacts on our overall functioning. It not only reduces our productivity, but it also has an adverse effect on our physical and emotional well-being, as well as our cognitive capacities.

Get up early in the morning

Most Americans get up between 6 and 7:30 a.m. in order to get to work and finish on time — but image how much better off you’d be if you got up even earlier, like 5 a.m.? Getting up that early assures that you’ll be at least an hour ahead of everyone else – you’ll complete your workday earlier and, more crucially, begin your job when there are few distractions. Keep in mind, however, that early waking is not for everyone, especially if it means sacrificing sleep. Also check Benefits of video live streaming services

So, give it a shot, but don’t be too disappointed if it doesn’t work out. The most influential thing we can do is pay attention to our bodies and keep track of when we feel most awake and weary during the day. Then we’ll be able to schedule our days accordingly.

Learn how your natural propensity affects your work performance and how to exploit its peculiarities, whether youre an early riser or a night owl:


Take some time to exercise as soon as you wake up – exercise helps your body wake up and your brain become more aware and energised. And, while you’re awake and energised, you’re more likely to concentrate and focus on your work, making you more productive.

In fact, the influence of exercise on employee performance is so significant that many businesses have begun to incorporate exercise into their regular workweek. Maybe we should make it a habit as well.

Make a meal plan in advance.

Meals are a vital part of your workday, and organising them ahead of time allows you to save time that would other-wise be spent pondering what to eat when you’re hungry.

While there is a lot of scientific evidence linking nutrition to workplace productivity, sticking to a healthy diet while working isn’t always as straightforward as it should be.

Planning ahead of time allows us to gather the materials we’ll need and carve out the time we’ll need to eat well while at work.

Planning your daily menus will assist you avoid stress, eat more balanced meals, and even learn to plan ahead of time, which is a skill you can apply at work.

Breakfast should be consumed.

Despite the fact that breakfast is likely the most important meal of the day, many individuals miss it. A well-balanced meal can help you gain energy in the morning and get your day off to a good start.

Given that everything you eat converts to glucose, eating first thing in the morning ensures that you get a spike of glucose immediately away, allowing you to stay focused and focussed on what you’re doing (at least until lunchtime). Furthermore, studies have shown that skipping breakfast has a number of negative consequences, including a loss of short-term memory and inability to concentrate. A full feast will set you up for excellent performance, whether it’s common sense or scientific fact.

Make sure you get lots of water.

Our brains are made up of 85% water. If this percentage of water lowers by 1%, your cognitive powers will be reduced by 5%. You become less focused, attentive, and productive as a result of this.

According to the spottings of a recent study, appropriate hydration has a strong favourable influence on mood and individual attention, but dehydration has a detrimental impact on short-term memory, concentration, and mood.

However, by drinking eight 8-ounce glasses, or two litres, or simply drinking anytime you’re thirsty, you may be well hydrated and attentive.

Maintain a to-do list.

You’ll always know what you have to do till the end of the day if you make a list of things you ought to do.

You’ll be less likely to wander from what’s genuinely important and squander time once you’ve gotten everything down on paper.

Pro tip from Clockify:

Keeping a good to-do list is a delicate art, and they can take many forms and serve a variety of functions. Start preparing smarter with the proper to-do list for you:

Establish your own deadlines.

You’ll understand your priorities and what you need to do first if you know you have to finish one critical assignment by next week and the other vital task by next month.

Clockify tip: Choosing your priorities might be difficult. With our guide, you’ll learn how to properly set your priorities and make better use of your time:

In the absence of a deadline, many professionals struggle to stay motivated. Unsurprisingly, the best approach for dealing with this scenario is to — wait for it – set a deadline! You can establish daily or weekly milestones, or a predetermined date for the job completion, depending on the nature of the assignment. Setting a timeline has two benefits: it helps you understand the breadth of the project and it gives you a sense of quickness to get things done.

And setting your own deadlines (whether or not you have an official deadline for it) can motivate you to obsess on a specific date and time – and strive to beat it.

Determine your objectives.

Setting goals is most valuable when it comes to identifying and articulating the path to achieving them. It transforms abstract desires into tangible plans that help us see the actions and effort required to achieve our goals. When you create a goal, you’ll have a better sense of the stages you’ll need to take and the actions that will help you achieve it. According to this timeline post, visualising the goals you set can increase your team’s productivity by 18%. Also check Big data for small businesses

When you make a SMART goal (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound), you’ll know it’s doable, and you’ll be more motivated to pursue it.

Create a system of rewards.

Consider a horse chasing a carrot tied to his head that is just out of reach. The horse may run and run, his gaze fixed on the carrot, but he’ll never reach it – so how long will he be inspired to chase it before giving up?

The same is true for people: if you don’t allow yourself a reward throughout a long journey to achievement, you’re unlikely to stay motivated long enough to cross the finish line. Small rewards, such as an evening out with friends, are a wonderful boost to your determination and a great battery charge for your productivity when you hit goals.

Deferred benefits are the foundation of long-term planning, according to Cornell University professors Ayelet Fishbach and Kaitlin Woolley. Smaller immediate rewards, on the other hand, are a significantly more powerful motivator for sticking to a long-term goal. In other words, rewarding yourself for your hard work is entirely acceptable (and even encouraged).

Make the most of your travel time.

Commute time is commonly defined as “dead time” that you’re bound to waste every day, “trapped in traffic,” or “convicted to a long train or bus travel to work.”

Our new COVID-affected reality has shifted the attention to (the lack of) commuting, with some studies claiming that long commutes destroy productivity, especially among the highest-performing employees. Even before the epidemic, research have shown that the nature and duration of the commute have an impact on productivity, with short-distance and active commuting having the most benefit.

However, you can make the most of this time by napping, going through your emails, enrolling in an online course or hearing to an audiobook. You’ll be able to delegate some of your office work, get more rest, or maybe learn something new. Keep trace of how much time you spend on each task (and aim to limit it) Because time is limited, it’s critical to consider how you spend it – but do you know how you spend it?

Tracking the portion of time you spend on various tasks will help you determine whether you are making good use of your time. If your timer informs you that you waste 2 hours a day idly reading Social Media, you’ll know exactly how much time you’re squandering and could be better using. Time tracking enables us to pinpoint areas and causes of poor performance and take the initial steps toward maximising our time and effort. Our guide to time tracking best practises will teach you about some of those procedures.

First, do your worst.

It’s better to start your workday by doing your most difficult or important duty first, which is known as the “eating your frog” strategy.

You’ll feel more invigorated to tackle the remainder of the duties you have for the day once you have “eaten your frog” first thing in the morning, because you’ll know the worst is behind you. Furthermore, because the resolution of the proverbial frog is frequently the most critical task in your workload, it makes perfect sense to devote your peak energy periods to it and save the rest for low-priority chores.

Please note that “eating the frog” is not a replacement for a proper breakfast. The “two-minute rule” should be followed. The most difficult element of most tasks is usually getting started. However, if you start small, such as by declaring you’ll only work for two minutes, the prospect of getting started becomes less daunting and more manageable. You’ll be less likely to procrastinate as well.

Newton’s first law states that objects in motion stay in motion, and your work is no exception. The majority of the time, you’ll uncover that you’ve worked for 2 minutes and then resumed your task. Just keep an eye out for any apples that may fall on your head.

Intervals of work (and take breaks)

People are wired to work focused and focussed in 90-minute intervals, according to science that defines ultradian cycles. They must take a break when that period of time has passed.

You can divide up your workday into 90-minute chunks, then take brief breaks — anything from meditation to short workouts to going to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee — to recharge your batteries.

Of course, the 90-minute cycle isn’t set in stone, and there are a plethora of time management strategies that offer their own take on the work-rest balance.

For beginnings, consider the popular Pomodoro approach, which involves working in predefined cycles of 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest, followed by a 20-minute break before returning to work for another 4 cycles. If 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of breaks aren’t enough for you, you can adjust the time to better suit your needs.

Don’t try to multitask.

While logic suggests that completing more things at once will help you do more work in less time, doing more jobs at once effectively prevents you from focusing on any of them. Also check Types of intercom systems

You finish faster, but you perform poorly on all of your jobs, forcing you to redo the majority of them, resulting in more time lost than gained. However, if you start working on another task immediately after you’ve completed the prior one, you’ll be able to give it your whole concentration and complete it as quickly as possible – with no need for redos.

Of course, things aren’t always black and white, as one study found that performance is strongly influenced by the degree of multitasking – errors are more numerous and severe when juggling many activities at once. As a result, you can give yourself a little tolerance when it comes to multitasking — but you shouldn’t make it a habit.

Don’t be a stickler for perfection.

You can strive for perfection in everything you do, but you’ll be wasting your time because nothing is ever truly flawless.

Instead, stop adjusting your work and submit it for feedback; if there are any remaining errors, see them as teachable moments that will help you improve in the future (by not repeating them).

Joachim Stoeber, a lecturer at the University of Kent, distinguishes between perfectionist strivings and perfectionist concerns. Perfectionist strivings, according to Stoeber, have a completely good, motivating nature and impact on performance.

Perfectionism, on the other hand, is unhealthy and can harm not just one’s performance but also one’s mental health and overall well-being.

Meals should not be skipped.

People frequently skip meals and stay at their desks to get through their workdays, but this behaviour causes more harm than good.

Our cognitive performance increases when we stick to consistent eating practises at work. What keeps us focused and attentive for long periods of time is a combination of mental pauses and the required sustenance for our body and brain.

If you don’t eat often, your glucose levels will drop, making you less focused, moodier, and less productive.

“No” is the answer.

Doing everything people ask of you will just waste time that could be spent on more important things – if you do everything, you’ll end up doing nothing.

It’s fine to say “No” to people’s requests now and then; too many yeses might lead to less free time, increased stress, and a higher risk of burnout. Outsourcing some of the job is frequently a good idea and can result in an increase in overall productivity.

Many of us are hesitant to decline additional work for fear of being labelled as impolite, selfish, or any other variation of the dreaded “difficult” moniker by our coworkers. However, there are respectful and helpful methods to say “No” without jeopardising professional relationships. Finally, refraining from overstretching yourself will help your performance and, as a result, the organisation as a whole.

Distracting factors should be avoided.

In your spare time, distractions like social media, your smartphone, or the television are acceptable in modest quantities. They’ll only mess with your timetable if you’re working on a critical project with a tight deadline. Background noises (such as outside traffic) that irritate you in your spare time will irritate you considerably more at work.

Employees who are more prone to internet distractions at work report considerable boosts in focus and productivity when those distractions are eliminated, according to a recent study. To put it another way, if our concentration is not constantly disrupted by external variables, our performance is likely to improve.

So, turn off social media, put your phone in a different room (possibly one you can lock?) and put on your headphones. It will be much more leisurely for you to concentrate if you are in a bubble.

Keep the information to a minimum.

The twenty-first century is the century of easy information access, with anyone knowing (nearly) anything with a few mouse clicks. However, your capacity to process what’s truly important will be harmed by this information overload. Constant exposure to several streams of information causes us to become distracted, more prone to making mistakes, and less interested in our core activity.

It’s all about prioritising: our time, our work, and our responsibilities when it comes to limiting information. It’s the process of selecting the minimum or ideal quantity of information relevant to our present task while blocking and/or disregarding all other sources of information.

Limit what you read and what you take in, and you’ll have more time to consider and digest the best approaches to your goals.

Listen to music that will help you be more productive.

While in doubt, remember that three-chord, instrumental music that you’re familiar with and that you’ve chosen yourself works best, especially when working on smaller chores. Also check Safe Mod APK

You can easily focus your thoughts on your task and shut out distracting sounds around you by listening to music while you work.

Scientific research has found that the most important effect of music is its soothing quality, rather than its impact on cognitive performance. To put it another way, music puts us in a good mood, which has an indirect effect on our attitude toward work.

Of course, music is not appropriate for all types of employment.

Even those of us who never take off our headphones will switch them off for deep-focus, high-attention work on occasion.

Take some naps.

Naps, according to study, help you function better with evening duties. Naps taken earlier in the day improve creativity, whereas naps taken later in the day restore physical abilities – in either case, naps outperform caffeine in terms of memory and general function.

A growing number of businesses are allowing and encouraging workplace sleeping as a means of increasing productivity. Recent scientific study suggests that napping in the early afternoon improves alertness and overall cognitive performance, so this isn’t necessarily an unjustified trend.

Perhaps, in the not-too-distant future, workplace napping will shed its long-held stigma.

Take up a new pastime.

Working hard without playing hard will have a negative impact on your productivity; you’ll begin to question why you’ve been working so hard with no reward in the first place, and you’ll lose motivation.

However, having a passion to look forward to when you come home can motivate you to accomplish your work more quickly. Reading, playing a musical device, or learning a new language are all fantastic examples of creative hobbies that can help you develop your cognitive talents.

Hobbies are an important aspect of the never-ending work-life balance. They don’t have to be a different thing from our work in terms of our workplace performance, but rather a supplement that can help us not only increase our skill set but also stay cheerful, inspired, and interested. If you’re looking for a fun new pastime, our vast list of useful hobbies may provide some inspiration.


Relaxing with a good book, meditating, or simply interacting with friends and family will help you recharge the batteries needed for tomorrow.

You can also take actions in the workplace to prevent getting overwhelmed by work by establishing norms and boundaries. Timely planning, process optimization, and prioritising of our time and effort can help us avoid wasting a lot of time and energy at work. We can shut off and recharge when we work more efficiently.


In the end, great productivity is more about working smarter than working harder – establishing a morning routine, managing your time and planning your days in connection to your goals, taking care of your health, and remembering to have some “you” time will all help you increase your productivity.

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